Simpan SSPN Plus

Introduction of Simpan SSPN Plus

Simpan SSPN Plus is a strategic collaboration between PTPTN and Hong Leong MSIG Takaful Berhad (HLMT), Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB) and Takaful IKHLAS Family Berhad (TIFB) as Takaful Operator Companies for this product.

This collaborative effort makes the Simpan SSPN Plus become more competitive and the top choice for Malaysians.

Number of SSPN Plus Accounts Opened

As of 31 January 2022, a total of 740,106 Simpan SSPN Plus accounts have been opened.

Register your Simpan SSPN Plus account today to enjoy various benefits and takaful advantages while fostering the habit of saving for a bright future education for your children.

Savings Channel
Account Opening

Savings Package


Savings RM20
Takaful RM10


Savings RM40
Takaful RM10


Savings RM90
Takaful RM10


Savings RM180
Takaful RM20


Savings RM20
Takaful RM10


Savings RM40
Takaful RM10


Savings RM90
Takaful RM10


Savings RM180
Takaful RM20


Savings RM270
Takaful RM30


Savings RM200
Takaful RM300

Takaful Operator Companies



up to RM1.2 Million

Hospital Admission

of critical disease

(spouse & children)

in net savings*

for health

guaranteed by the government


as low as RM30 monthly

*Note: Individual tax assessment relief until assessment year 2024

  1. To facilitate the withdrawal of PTPTN savings from Simpan SSPN Prime and/ or Simpan SSPN Plus in the event of the depositor's death;
  2. To allow PTPTN to release Simpan SSPN Prime and/ or Simpan SSPN Plus savings to the named individual(s) for administration (for Muslims) or receipt (for non-Muslims) without the need for a Grant of Probate/ Letter of Administration/ Order of Distribution;
  3. To save costs and time in the claims process.
  • Depositors may name individuals as soon as they open a PTPTN savings account.
  • The beneficiary can nominate anyone to be a nominee with the following conditions:-
    a. The nominee must be a Malaysian citizen;
    b. There is no age limit; and
    c. Nominations are limited to 2 people at a time. If the beneficiary wishes to change the nominee, the beneficiary can do so by filling in a new nomination form or any method determined by PTPTN. New nominations will cancel previous nominations.
  • Beneficiaries must make nominations for each account separately.
  • Naming details are confidential. Beneficiaries are advised not to disclose nomination information to anyone other than the nominee.
  • Nomination applications can be made by filling in the nomination form at the PTPTN counter or downloading the nomination form from the PTPTN Portal.
  • Beneficiaries must come to the counter in person with their Identity Card for verification. Application through a representative or by post is not allowed.
  • The effective date of the nomination is upon the receiving nomination form by PTPTN.
  • The beneficiary must ensure that the nominee's information is up to date and inform PTPTN if there is any change.
  • The nomination will be void if:
    a. The nominee is deceased;
    b. The beneficiary requests the cancellation of the nomination by attending at the PTPTN counter;
    c. Through any nomination made later by the beneficiary; or
    d. The beneficiary has closed the savings account.
  • Beneficiaries must make a renaming if opening a new savings account.
Nominee Check
  • Before the heir makes a claim for deposit withdrawal, the beneficiary's heir must check first the status of the nomination made by the beneficiary during his lifetime by submitting:-
    a. Death certificate of the beneficiary; and
    b. Document proof of relationship (birth certificate/ marriage certificate/ related documents)
  • Naming information can be given to the next of kin if the above documents prove a family relationship.


Nominating Beneficiaries
  • The withdrawal application must be from the appointed nominee by the beneficiary.
  • Payment will be made based on the following priorities:-
    a. The entire savings amount will be paid to the First Nominee only.
    b. If the First Nominee is deceased or cannot be traced (with proof), payment will be made to the Second Nominee.
    c. Claims can be made by the Second Nominee if the First Nominee is under 18 years old.
    d. If both nominees are less than 18 years old or have died when the claim is made, the claim method from the heirs of the beneficiary is the same as the method without nomination.
    e. If the First or Second Nominee is declared bankrupt, they need to bring an insolvency authorization letter when the claim is made to enable the Insolvency party to manage the nominee's money flow.
  • The nominee must bring the following documents when applying for account closure:
    a. Completed Account Closure Form
    b. Copy of nominee's MyKad
    c. A copy of the beneficiary's death certificate


Claims From Nominees Who Are Physically And Mentally Incapacitated
  • If the First Nominee suffers from health problems (physical and mental incapacity), then the Second Nominee can make a claim.
  • If the First Nominee dies, while the Second Nominee is physically and mentally incapacitated and certified unable to administer the savings, then other heirs are entitled to make a claim.
  • If both nominees are physically and mentally incapable, then the other heirs have the right to make the claim.
  • All three conditions above must be proven with a death certificate
    The nominee or the nominee's medical report by a Registered Medical Practitioner before the claim by the heir is made.
  • The claim method by heirs remains unchanged as the claim method without naming or any rules set by PTPTN from time to time.


Unnamed Beneficiaries
  • Heirs who make a claim must submit the following supporting documents to PTPTN for processing:
    a. Letter of Administration/ Grant of Probate/ Distribution Order
    b. Completed Account Closure Form
    c. A copy of the applicant's MyKad
    d. A copy of the beneficiary's death certificate
  • However, PTPTN can pay claims to applicants without an Administrative Letter of Administration/ Grant of Probate/ Distribution Order if the deposit does not exceed RM3,000 by filling in the Liability Bond Form and the Heir Confirmation Form and the application is made after a period of 2 months from the date of the beneficiary's death.
  • PTPTN will pay the claim by crediting it to the applicant's bank account.
  • Payment of claims for savings to the nominee is a valid release by PTPTN, all actions of the heirs against the nominee i.e. the executor are beyond the jurisdiction of PTPTN. However, PTPTN can only advise nominees (wasi) to distribute the savings according to Hukum Syarak (for Muslim beneficiaries). While the non- Muslim nominees is the beneficiary of the beneficiary's savings.
  • If the savings are not claimed by the nominee/ heir after 7 years from the claim eligibility date (nominee is 18 years old), PTPTN has the right to manage the beneficiary's account under the Unclaimed Money Act or in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Income Tax Assessment Relief up to RM8,000*
Income Tax Assessment Relief up to RM8,000*
  1. An income tax assessment relief is given up to a maximum of RM8,000 for the net savings of Simpan SSPN Plus and Simpan SSPN Prime (previously known as SSPN-i) during the current year under the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN).

  2. Through Simpan SSPN Plus, depositors can enjoy additional tax assessment relief on takaful contributions paid to the maximum takaful operator of RM7,000 under Life Insurance and EPF.

  3. If the recipient of benefits dies, the depositor is no longer eligible to claim income tax assessment relief on net savings made after the recipient's death.

*Note: Individual tax assessment relief until assessment year 2024

Closure/ Withdrawal of Simpan SSPN Plus Account
Closure/ Withdrawal of Simpan SSPN Plus Account
    1. Depositors can only make withdrawals after 3 years from the date of account opening; and
    2. A minimum amount of RM1,000.00 must be maintained in the savings account.
    3. The withdrawal methods are as follows:


CounterOnline Application

Must fill :

  • Withdrawal Slip for Simpan SSPN Plus account
  • Complete form must be submitted to the PTPTN State/ Branch Office
Making a deposit withdrawal application online through the PTPTN Official Portal.

Depositors are allowed to close their accounts at any time by submitting a request to PTPTN.

Method for Claiming Takaful Protection Benefits:
Method for Claiming Takaful Protection Benefits:
  1. Download and complete the Borang Permohonan Tuntutan Takaful.

    1. Select the type of claim that you want to apply.

    2. Provide all the supporting documents.

  2. Submit the Takaful Claim Application Form along with all relevant documents to any PTPTN State Office or PTPTN Branch Office.

List of Claim Forms According to SPT
GETB Claim Form
Death of Depositors - KEMALANGANAccidental Death Benefits Claim
Consent Letter
Depositor’s Death - NORMALDeath - Claimant's Statement
Death - Doctor's Statement
Bereavement & Compassionate Benefit Form
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)TPD Claimant's Statement
TPD Doctor's Statement
Consent Letter
Total Partial and Permanent Disability (TPPD)TPPD Claimant's Statement
TPPD Doctor's Statement
Consent Letter
Hospital Income Benefit (HIB)Hospitalisation and Surgical Claim Claimant Statement
45 Critical IllnessConsent Letter
CI Claimant's Statement
Alzheimer's Disease Severe Dementia
Apallic Syndrome
Bacterial Meningitis Kehidupan Harian
Benign Brain Tumor
Brain Surgery/ Pembedahan Otak
Chronic Aplastic Anemia
Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) (Mad Cow Disease)
End-Stage Liver Failure
End-Stage Liver Failure
Full-Blown AIDS
Fulminant Viral Hepatitis
Heart Valve Surgery
HIV Infection Due to Blood Transfusion
Kidney Failure - requiring dialysis or kidney transplant
Loss of Independent Existence
Loss of Speech
Major Head Trauma
Major Organ/ Bone Marrow Transplant
Medullary Cystic Disease
Medullary Cystic Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Occupationally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection/
Paralysis of Limbs
Parkinson's Disease
Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Progressive scleroderma
Surgery to Aorta
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Third Degree Burns - of specified severity
Terminal Illness (Fatal)
Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery
Heart Attack
Serious Coronary Artery Disease



Malaysian citizens aged 16 and above*


Malaysian Citizens aged 1 day to age before reaching 29 years old

Consists of yourself, biological and legal foster children only

Depositors can open one account for one beneficiary

Different depositors can open the same beneficiary account

Depositor are REQUIRED** to complete the salary deduction form/ auto debit/ direct debit for the monthly commitment payment

** Mandatory to make a salary deduction/ auto debit/ direct debit for opening an Simpan SSPN account with a deposit amount of less than 6 months

Malaysian Citizens aged 1 day to age before reaching 29 years old

Consists of yourself, biological and legal foster children only

Account Opening Steps

Depositors can open one account for one beneficiary

Different depositors can open the same beneficiary account

Depositor are REQUIRED to complete the salary deduction/ auto debit/ direct debit form for the monthly commitment payment

Log into myPTPTN

Click "SERVICES" then click "Open Simpan SSPN Plus Account" and fill in all the information completely

Check the account information and make a depositor agreement confirmation

Make payment and the system will generate a receipt that can be saved and printed if the transaction is successful

Claim Form

Kaedah Tuntutan Manfaat
Takaful Protection
Kaedah Tuntutan Manfaat
Takaful Protection
  1. Download and complete the Borang Permohonan Tuntutan Takaful.
  2. Sila pilih jenis permohonan tuntutan.
  3. Provide all the supporting documents.
  4. Submit the Takaful Claim Application Form along with all relevant documents to any PTPTN State Office or PTPTN Branch Office.
Senarai Borang Tuntutan
Mengikut Syarikat Pengendali Takaful (SPT)
Senarai Borang Tuntutan
Mengikut Syarikat Pengendali Takaful (SPT)
GETB Claim Form
Death of Depositors - KEMALANGANAccidental Death Benefits Claim
Consent Letter
Depositor’s Death - NORMALDeath - Claimant's Statement
Death - Doctor's Statement
Bereavement & Compassionate Benefit Form
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)TPD Claimant's Statement
TPD Doctor's Statement
Consent Letter
Total Partial and Permanent Disability (TPPD)TPPD Claimant's Statement
TPPD Doctor's Statement
Consent Letter
Hospital Income Benefit (HIB)Hospitalisation and Surgical Claim Claimant Statement
45 Critical IllnessConsent Letter
CI Claimant's Statement
Alzheimer's Disease Severe Dementia
Apallic Syndrome
Bacterial Meningitis Kehidupan Harian
Benign Brain Tumor
Brain Surgery/ Pembedahan Otak
Chronic Aplastic Anemia
Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) (Mad Cow Disease)
End-Stage Liver Failure
End-Stage Liver Failure
Full-Blown AIDS
Fulminant Viral Hepatitis
Heart Valve Surgery
HIV Infection Due to Blood Transfusion
Kidney Failure - requiring dialysis or kidney transplant
Loss of Independent Existence
Loss of Speech
Major Head Trauma
Major Organ/ Bone Marrow Transplant
Medullary Cystic Disease
Medullary Cystic Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Occupationally Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection/
Paralysis of Limbs
Parkinson's Disease
Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Progressive scleroderma
Surgery to Aorta
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Third Degree Burns - of specified severity
Terminal Illness (Fatal)
Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery
Heart Attack
Serious Coronary Artery Disease

Free e-Book

How to Get Tax Exemption with SSPN Savings?

Product Notification Notice

Simpan SSPN Plus is a savings plan for education with takaful protection offered by PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional) for Malaysian citizens*.

PTPTN has collaborated with three (3) takaful provider which is Hong Leong MSIG Takaful Berhad, Great Eastern Takaful Berhad and Takaful Ikhlas Family Berhad. The appointed takaful provider is to manage the takaful protection for Simpan SSPN Plus. With this strategic partnership, PTPTN is entittled for 10% from the takaful contributions received through the monthly deposit account of Simpan SSPN Plus as a Collaboration/ Comission Fee. There is no additional service fee or any other fees charged to customers for opening a Simpan SSPN Plus account through the online application on myPTPTN.

If a customer wishes to cancel the opening of a Simpan SSPN Plus account within 15 days from the account opening date, they can close the account and all deposits, including takaful contributions, will be returned to the customer in full (100%).

 *Terms and conditions apply