Matching Grant
Introduction to Matching Grant
The grant of the Matching Grant is based on the announcement by YAB the Prime Minister when presenting the Bajet 2003 on 20 September 2002. Primarily, the government has agreed to allocate RM1 billion in the form of a Matching Grant as an incentive to attract the public, especially low-income groups to ensure their children's higher education in future.
Simpan SSPN Prime's Saving Privileges includes the granting of Matching Grants are enshrined in P.U.(A) 268 of the National Education Savings Scheme Regulations 2004 even though it is not clearly stated and detailed one by one therein. Regulation 9.(1) mentions "The Corporation may, with the approval of the Minister of Finance, provide an incentive to any category or group of depositors deemed appropriate by the Corporation subject to any conditions as determined by the Corporation".
Ukuran Pendapatan Kelayakan Geran Sepadan
Gaji pokok (tidak termasuk elaun-elaun) adalah merupakan ukuran pendapatan bulanan keluarga bagi pengiraan Geran Sepadan:
- Bagi pembukaan akaun sebelum 15 Januari 2010, pendeposit yang mempunyai pendapatan bulanan keluarga (gaji pokok) tidak melebihi RM2,000 semasa membuka akaun Simpan SSPN Prime adalah layak dipertimbangkan pemberian Geran Sepadan tertakluk kepada syarat dan peraturan yang ditetapkan.
- Bagi pembukaan akaun mulai 15 Januari 2010, pendeposit yang mempunyai pendapatan bulanan keluarga (gaji pokok) tidak melebihi RM2,000 semasa pengeluaran/penutupan akaun adalah layak dipertimbangkan pemberian Geran Sepadan tertakluk kepada syarat dan peraturan yang ditetapkan.
The total amount of Matching Grant that will be given to each eligible depositor is not more than RM10,000 per family.
The monthly family income (basic salary) of the depositor does not exceed RM4,000 when the application is made.
Beneficiaries have enrolled in any IPT and courses recognized by the government at certificate level and above.
The total amount of Matching Grant that will be given to each eligible depositor is not more than RM10,000 per family.
The monthly family income (basic salary) of the depositor does not exceed RM4,000 when the application is made.
Beneficiaries have enrolled in any IPT and courses recognized by the government at certificate level and above.
Beneficiaries must not have reached the age of 29 when the corresponding grant application is made.
Beneficiaries must not have reached the age of 29 when the corresponding grant application is made.
Grants are only eligible for depositors (mothers/ fathers/ guardians) who open accounts for their own children or children under their legal care.
Matching Grant Claim Method
Depositors should fill out the Account Withdrawal/ Closure/ Grant Claim Form and submit it along with the following documents :
Income verification/ copy of salary slip/ copy of Pension Statement/ copy of Pensioner Card stating monthly pension of depositor and spouse
Copy of offer letter to enroll in IPT and Receipt of enrollment fee to IPT
Copy of Birth Certificate / Adoption Certificate / Statutory Declaration Letter of beneficiary
Confirmation letter of active study from the relevant IPT/ Agency and must record the course of study (if item 4 is not met)
Copy of spouse's MyKad/ Death Certificate/ Divorce Letter
If the beneficiary is sponsored by PTPTN education funding, documents 4 and 5 are not required (PTPTN must print the funding information from the system)
Income verification/ copy of salary slip/ copy of Pension Statement/ copy of Pensioner Card stating monthly pension of depositor and spouse
Copy of Birth Certificate / Adoption Certificate / Statutory Declaration Letter of beneficiary
Copy of spouse's MyKad/ Death Certificate/ Divorce Letter
Copy of offer letter to enroll in IPT and Receipt of enrollment fee to IPT
Confirmation letter of active study from the relevant IPT/ Agency and must record the course of study (if item 4 is not met)
If the beneficiary is sponsored by PTPTN education funding, documents 4 and 5 are not required (PTPTN must print the funding information from the system)
*Items 1, 4, and 5 must be verified.
Peraturan Agihan Geran Sepadan
Jumlah keseluruhan Geran Sepadan yang akan diberikan kepada setiap pendeposit yang layak adalah tidak melebihi RM10,000 satu keluarga tanpa mengira jumlah akaun Simpan SSPN Prime yang dibuka.
Pengeluaran Geran Sepadan hanya akan dibenarkan apabila penerima manfaat berjaya diterima dan mendaftar masuk ke mana-mana IPT yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan.
Geran Sepadan layak diberikan ke atas akaun yang aktif ketika penerima manfaat mendaftar masuk ke IPT. Tuntutan geran sepadan selepas penutupan akaun tidak dibenarkan.
Bagi kes kematian pendeposit:
- Permohonan Geran Sepadan hanya akan dipertimbangkan bagi permohonan yang tidak melebihi tempoh tiga (3) tahun dari tarikh kematian pendeposit. Namun begitu bagi kes pendeposit meninggal dunia sebelum penerima manfaat diterima masuk ke mana-mana IPT adalah NOT ELIGIBLE untuk menerima Geran Sepadan;
- Pembayaran akan dikira mulai dari tarikh pembukaan akaun sehingga tarikh kematian pendeposit;
- Dokumen kematian boleh dianggap sebagai pengesahan pendapatan pendeposit. Sekiranya pasangan pendeposit berkahwin lain, pengesahan pendapatan pasangan perlu diambilkira.
- Amaun maksimum ialah baki kelayakan (RM10,000) selepas ditolak token RM100 dan pengeluaran geran pada kali pertama;
- Kadar dan tempoh kelayakan geran akan dikira bermula pada tarikh selepas pengeluaran geran pada kali pertama dilakukan;
- Baki akaun sebelum pengeluaran geran kali pertama tidak akan diambilkira di dalam pengiraan Geran Sepadan yang baru.
Kadar kelayakan Geran Sepadan adalah sebanyak RM10,000 bagi setiap akaun penerima manfaat yang dibuka oleh pengetua/pengurusan rumah anak yatim.