Bulan Menabung Simpan SSPN, or better known as BMS is PTPTN’s signature program to commemorate World Savings Day which is celebrated on 31 October every year. For BMS 2021, the theme was set to be ‘Galaxy’, with the same tagline ‘Jom Jadi Superhero Anak Anda’ (Let’s Become Superhero to Your Kids). 'Jom Jadi Superhero' invites parents to become heroes for their children in financial planning’s context through savings so that children succeed in furthering their studies without financial burden.
The BMS Launch Ceremony was held today virtually via official Facebook at PTPTNOfficial and official YouTube at PTPTNTV. The Chairman of PTPTN, YBhg. Datuk Wan Saiful Wan Jan completed the ceremony. Encik Ahmad Dasuki Abdul Majid, Chief Executive of PTPTN also made the appearance to enliven the event.
BMS 2021 was held throughout October starting 1 to 31 October 2021 online by complying with the new SOP norms. Unlike the previous year, BMS 2021 brings a difference with a variety of new interesting programs and competitions for parents and children to participate in. The program was held live through PTPTN’s official social media with special artists, guest panels and influencers specially brought to enliven BMS 2021.
Various programs are available for parents and childrens to join such as Chef Junior, Sembang Santai BMS 2021, Forum Cakna Kewangan, Siri P&T, Detik Indah Bersama Si Manja dan My Parents, My Real Superheroes. Meanwhile, the programs in the form of competition are Fotografi Simpan SSPN, Chef Junior Simpan SSPN, Simpan SSPN Got Talent, Colouring Contest Simpan SSPN, Snap & Win Simpan SSPN, Happy Hour, Quizizz and Cabaran #SuperheroSiManja. The State Office of PTPTN also enlivened this program by organizing activities at state level.
PTPN was also planning a special PTPTN Prihatin program to further invigorate BMS 2021 which is the Jelajah Simpan SSPN 2021. It’s a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program through PTPTN’s zakat contribution amounting to more than RM500,000 in collaboration with State Zakat centre and government agencies. A total of more than 5,000 recipients received cash donations in the form of Simpan SSPN Prime accounts. It aims to ensure that the asnaf group also enjoy the benefits of saving through Simpan SSPN and ensure that their future education will be more secure.
In addition, PTPTN also introduced Tabung Impian with seven (7) characters such as Astronauts, Firefighter, Engineer, Doctor, Judge and Pilot as one of the attraction for society, especially for the prospective depositors to start saving and also for existing depositors to continue maintaining their savings commitment. In line with the theme of BMS 2021, the Astronaut character of Tabung Impian will start by this October and the rest will be promoted every month with the set amount of savings.
Datuk Wan Saiful Wan Jan, The Chairman of PTPTN, said “BMS 2021 is one of the programs that has been planned and implemented by PTPTN starting in 2018. It is one of the promotion programs in an effort to make Simpan SSPN product as society’s first choice in saving apart from enjoying the benefits that comes with it. In addition, programs such as this are seen to be able to convey information and provide exposure on financial planning as well as fostering saving practices among parents and children.”
“Hari Tabung Sedunia or better known as World Saving Days brings about the main objective of instilling the spirit of saving in society around the world. Although the world and the country are still affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is not a reason for us not to instill the spirit of saving. In fact, it is appropriate to use services and facilities through digital platforms in line with the various digitization initiatives that are gradually gaining attention during this pandemic to formulate various savings initiatives. PTPTN has provided online transaction facilities including opening a Simpan SSPN account and adding deposits without having to come to the counter. This is also an effort to encourage saving practices among Malaysia’s society. The opening or adding savings online is faster, easier and safer by browsing www.lovesspn.com.”
“My priority is that people out there get the opportunity to enjoy many benefits in education savings as well as making Simpan SSPN household savings products. This Is Your Chance To Succeed.” he added.
Simpan SSPN consists of Simpan SSPN Prime and Simpan SSPN Plus, which offer various benefits to Malaysian society. Simpan SSPN Prime is a monthly non-commitment saving instrument that gives privileges such as tax assessment relief up to RM8,000.00, free takaful protection, competitive dividend, Matching Grant up to RM10,000.00 and savings guaranteed by the Government.
Meanwhile, Simpan SSPN Plus offers six (6) interesting and affordable packages. Various interesting privileges and benefits await the depositors, which is takaful benefit protection up to RM1.2 million and protection up to the depositor’s age of 69, other than offering various existing benefits. Concurrently, there are Cabutan WOW! Simpan SSPN Plus 2022 with Gold Bar as the first prize worth RM150,000 and other prizes worth up to RM320,000. For more information, visit www.lovesspn.com/BulanMenabungSimpanSSPN2021.