MBSB Bank Berhad ('MBSB Bank') and The National Higher Education Fund Corporation ('PTPTN') signed a Memorandum of Understanding ('MoU') today at MBSB Bank Tower, PJ Sentral.
The Chief Executive Officer of the MBSB Bank Group, Datuk Nor Azam M. Taib, completed the Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony. At the same time, the Chief Executive, Ahmad Dasuki Abdul Majid, represented PTPTN.
This strategic collaboration will focus on providing digital transaction facilities for customers to make savings and loan repayments through MBSB's e-Wallet. As a result, depositors of the National Education Savings Scheme (Simpan SSPN) and PTPTN borrowers will be able to enjoy the facility of saving or repaying loans quickly through MBSB Bank's e-Wallet.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by MBSB Bank and PTPTN also aims to establish strategic collaboration in cultivating educational savings, financial management, promotional programmes, and community empowerment.
The Chief Executive Officer of MBSB Bank Group, Datuk Nor Azam M.Taib, stated, "We want to expand the use of our digital wallet to Simpan SSPN depositors and PTPTN borrowers by providing PTPTN loan savings and repayment services through MBSB Bank's e-Wallet. To make it easier, Simpan SSPN depositors can make deposits into the Simpan SSPN account through MBSB Bank's e-Wallet without having to open a savings account with MBSB Bank."
Datuk Nor Azam added, "MBSB Bank's e-Wallet is the first Syariah-compliant mobile application digital wallet in Malaysia offered by MBSB Bank."
Meanwhile, the Chief Executive of PTPTN, Ahmad Dasuki Abdul Majid, explained, "PTPTN always welcomes cooperation with Government and private agencies to empower end-to-end online services (E2E). Our objective is to continue improving PTPTN's services to the community through digitization technology. We are pleased to work with MBSB Bank as another positive effort towards empowering a more dynamic and outstanding PTPTN."
"I sincerely hope that with this MoU, it will boost the expertise between the two parties as well as generate new cooperation that will have an impact and benefit to the well-being of the community," he added again.
This collaboration is expected to instill the consciousness of saving and educate good digital financial literacy among the community. MBSB Bank's e-Wallet can be downloaded to all smartphones through the Apple Store and Google Play applications. For more information, visit www.mbsbbank.com.
MBSB Bank also announced the new 'M Journey Virtual Branch' website to strengthen the digital ecosystem. It is now ready to visit and designed to be more interactive and user-friendly with enhanced security features. For a complete, convenient, and engaging virtual banking experience, please visit https://mjourney.mbsbbank.com.